Introduction to Scientific Research

NAME OF THE COURSE Introduction to Scientific Research



Year of study


Course teacher

Prof Marina Trgo

Credits (ECTS)


Associate teachers

Asst Prof Marin Ugrina

Type of instruction (number of hours)






Status of the course


Percentage of application of e-learning

0 %


Course objectives

The aim of the course is to train students for the organization of scientific research, to master the principles and methodology of data collection and literature, the way of processing and data analysis and presentation of results according to the principles of ethical responsibility in the natural, technical and biotechnological sciences.

Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course


Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes)

It is expected that the learning outcomes provide knowledge about:
- understanding of the importance of science and scientific research
- types of scientific fields and branches of science, scientific institutions and professions
- legislation in science
- way to search and use bibliographic databases and other sources of scientific information
- organization and implementation of scientific research
- understanding of the structure and meaning parts of scientific work
- analyse scientific issues and interpretation of results
- independent design of scientific work at writing, technical processing, presentation, and presentation
- ethical responsibility in scientific research.

Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)

1st week: Introductory lecture. The historical development of science. Scientific knowledge.
2nd week: Science and legislation (fields and branches of science, scientific institutions, organizations, programs, declarations, scientific degrees)
3rd week: Classification and type of papers. The aims and purposes of scientific paper. Differences between the scientific and professional paper.
4th week: Components of scientific work (spot the problem, study the problem, set up a hypothesis, design research, conduct research and process the results, confirm or reject the hypothesis, to publish the results)
5 th week: Sources of information. The literature search. Database.
6 th week: Experiment. The organization of work in the field and in the laboratory. Planning, implementation and testing.
7 th week: Processing the results: sorting, statistics, modelling.
8 th week: Writing an article (scientific, professional, review, scientific and popular).
9 th week: Presentation of research. Poster presentations.
10 th week: Presentation of research. Oral presentation. Basic principles in the presentation of work.
11th week: References. The use of computer technique in the citation.
12 th week: Keywords. Graphical abstract.
13 th week: Applications for the expert and scientific conferences. The publication of the article. Reviews of scientific papers.
14 th week: Measure the value of articles (citations, indexing, impact factor).
15 th week: Scientific research ethics.
Seminar: writing seminar paper, making poster presentations, making a PowerPoint presentation of the paper and oral presentation.

Format of instruction:

Student responsibilities

Attending lectures is 80%, while seminars 100% of the total hours.

Screening student work (name the proportion of ECTS credits for eachactivity so that the total number of ECTS credits is equal to the ECTS value of the course):

Class attendance




Practical training


Experimental work








Seminar essay






Oral exam




Written exam






Grading and evaluating student work in class and at the final exam

Final written exam or two partial exams (50% of the total evaluation).
A written essay (25% of the total evaluation).
Oral presentation of written seminar paper (20% of the total evaluation) and poster presentation based on a written seminar paper (5% of the total evaluation). Passing threshold is 60%. Grades: successful (60% – 69%), good (70% – 79%), very good (80% – 89%), excellent (90% – 100%).

Required literature (available in the library and via other media)


Number of copies in the library

Availability via other media

M. Marušić i suradnici, Uvod u znanstveni rad u medicini, 5. izdanje, Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2013.


Darrell D. Ebbing and Steven D. Gammon, General Chemistry, 9th edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 2009. Raymond Chang, Chemistry, 10th edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2010. F. Albert Cotton et al., Basic Inorganic Chemistry, New York, John Wil


J. Kniewald, Metodika znanstvenog rada, Zagreb, Multigraf, 1993.


A. Tkalac Verčić, Dubravka Sinčić Čorić, Nina Pološki Vokić, Priručnik za metodologiju istraživačkog rada, Zagreb, M.E. P. d.o.o., 2010. M. I. Miljević, Metodologija naučnog rada, Sarajevo, Univerzitet u istočnom Sarajevu, Filozofski fakultet, 2007.


Praćenje sugestija i reakcija polaznika tijekom semestra. S

Vježbe iz Opće kemije (interna skripta), Kemijsko-tehnološki fakultet, Split, 2013. Vježbe iz Anorganske kemije (interna skripta), Kemijsko-tehnološki fakultet, Split, 2013.


Optional literature (at the time of submission of study programme proposal)

A. Tkalac Verčić, Dubravka Sinčić Čorić, Nina Pološki Vokić, Priručnik za metodologiju istraživačkog rada, Zagreb, M.E. P. d.o.o., 2010.
M. I. Miljević, Metodologija naučnog rada, Sarajevo, Univerzitet u istočnom Sarajevu, Filozofski fakultet, 2007.
Z. V. Popović, Kako napisati i objaviti naučno delo, Beograd, Akademska misao, 2004.

Quality assurance methods that ensure the acquisition of exit competences

Quality assurance will be performed at three levels:
(1) University Level;
(2) Faculty Level by Quality Control Committee;
(3) Lecturer’s Level.

Other (as the proposer wishes to add)