Ecological Food Production

NAME OF THE COURSE Ecological Food Production



Year of study


Course teacher

Assoc Prof Ivana Generalić Mekinić

Credits (ECTS)


Associate teachers

Asst Prof Danijela Skroza

Type of instruction (number of hours)






Status of the course


Percentage of application of e-learning

0 %


Course objectives

The concept of ecological food production do not cover only the production of healthy food (food which production does not include artificial fertilizers, chemicals and pesticides or hormones), but is actually the concept of sustainable management, which involves growing plants, animal food and raw materials by the principles of environmental, economically and socially justified production and technologies with aim of maximal exploitation of particular economy. The aim of the course is to introduce students to the Republic of Croatia and EU legislation for the ecological production and processing of food. Through several examples for food ingredients and/or products they will get the basic knowledge on the selection of varieties/breeds, control of diseases and parasites, growing conditions, storage conditions, processing methods, packaging and presentation of ecological food products.

Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course


Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes)

After completing the course, students will be able to:
- know the principles of ecologic food production and food control in the framework of legislative,
- be able to analyze and control the process of cultivation, processing and control,
- have basic knowledge about the introduction of new methods, ideas and achievements in organic production,
- be able to develop new products.

Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)

1st week: Ecological agriculture (Ecological production and products)
2nd week Ecological food production - definition, comparison with conventional production, objectives, legislation
3rd week: Ecological food production - principles of processing, storage, packaging and presentation of the product
4th week: Ecological production in Croatia and abroad
5th week: Legislation on organic production in the Republic of Croatia and EU (legislation, regulations, amendments and changes to the law, etc.).
I colloquium
6th week: Ecological production of medicinal herbs
7th week: Ecological production of herbs
8th week: Ecological production of fruits and fruit juices
9th week: Ecological production of vegetables
10th week: Ecological production of olives
11th week: Ecological production of cereals and bakery products
12th week: Ecological production of mushrooms
13th week: Ecological viticulture and wine production
14th week: Ecological production of animal products - beekeeping, production in fisheries and aquaculture
15th week: Ecological production of animal products - meat, milk and dairy products
II Colloquium
Food handling after harvesting and preparation for processing; Safety in food production (HACCP, Hazard Analysis ...); The fermentation and enzymes in ecological production; Packing and declarations; Legislation related to the ecological production of the selected products; Presentation of students’ seminar papers on selected topic

Format of instruction:

Student responsibilities

Active participation in all activities: lectures, consultations, searching the literature.

Screening student work (name the proportion of ECTS credits for eachactivity so that the total number of ECTS credits is equal to the ECTS value of the course):

Class attendance




Practical training


Experimental work


