
NAME OF THE COURSE Thermodynamics



Year of study


Course teacher

Prof Vanja Martinac

Credits (ECTS)


Associate teachers

Type of instruction (number of hours)






Status of the course


Percentage of application of e-learning

0 %


Course objectives

The course of Thermodynamics covers the basics of general thermodynamic principles and their application in engineering. The goal is for students to master the knowledge of basic thermodynamic principles and their application in engineering, which will be helpful in their further studies as well as in their work.

Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course


Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes)

After passing the exam, students are expected to:
- specify and define the units of measurements of basic thermodynamic magnitudes and the state equation
- specify and correctly interpret the basic laws of thermodynamics
- specify and explain thermodynamic changes of the state of ideal gases
- define and explain the processes of expansion and compression
- define and explain cycles processes
- define and explain irreversible processes (throttling, mixing of gases)
- specify and describe heat properties and changes of the state of real gases
- discern and analyse processes in devices used to obtain low temperatures
- define thermodynamic properties of moist air and processes with moist air
- apply the knowledge acquired to solving tasks related to changes of the state of ideal and real gases and liquids, compression processes, cycles processes, processes in devices used to obtain low temperatures and processes with moist air.

Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)

1st week: General concepts. Heat and energy parameters in thermodynamic processes.
2nd week: Basic laws of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics using internal energy and enthalpy.
3rd week: Thermodynamic changes of the state of ideal gases (isobaric, isochoric, isothermal, adiabatic and polytrophic changes of state).
4th week: The second law of thermodynamics, reversibility, irreversibility, thermal diagram and changes of the state in thermal diagrams.
5th week: Cycles processes. Carnot and thermal efficiency degree.
6th week: Compression and expansion processes.
7th week: Processes with external and internal combustion.
Exam (I preliminary exam)
8th week: Real gases: liquid state, evaporation, wet and dry saturated steam, superheated steam, fundamental processes.
9th week: Thermal properties and changes of the state of real gases. Thermodynamics diagrams and tables for variables of state.
10th week: Water vapour – thermodynamic parameters of the state.
11th week: Vapour power cycles
12th week: Thermodynamic fundamentals of the cooling process. Vapor-compression refrigeration. Coefficient of performance.
13th week: Processes in devices for gas liquefaction.
14th week: Moist air.
15th week: Processes with moist air.
Exam (II preliminary exam)
Numeric examples demonstrating the topics covered are analysed during the course, making an integral whole with the lectures.

Format of instruction:

Student responsibilities


Screening student work (name the proportion of ECTS credits for eachactivity so that the total number of ECTS credits is equal to the ECTS value of the course):

Class attendance




Practical training


Experimental work


