Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus) |
1. Week L General information about the course and mode of examination, Introduction to computers application, Information activity and technology, Computerization, Computer applications in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering E 2. Week L Hardware (PC), Von Neumann’s model computers, Computer hardware, Computer types, Basic terms in theComputer Engineering and informatics, Basic parts (components) of the PC, Central processing unit (CPU), Computer memory, Motherboards and connectors, Input and Output devices E 3. Week L Operating systems and applications, The BIOS (Basic Input / Output System), Preparing disks and drives for installation of the OS, File system (FAT, NTFS), Computer Programs, System programs, Application programs, Operating systems E 4. Week L Basics commands for MS-DOS, GUI (Graphical User Interface), Properties GUI, History of developing the MS Windows OS, Example Installations operating systems (Windows OS), Customizing the User Interface, Library, Customize settings on PC computer, Firewall, Windows Defender, Windows Update, Action Center, Commercial antivirus programs E 5. Week L Backup and Restore, Control Panel, Customize the computer, The Device Manager, Accounts, Network and Sharing Center, Troubleshooting, Personalization, BitLocker Drive Encryption, Region and Language, Programs and Features, Installing and uninstalling programs, Display, Devices and Printers, Default Programs, Help and Support, Accessories and system tools, Shortcuts in Window OS, Changing the language of Windows OS E 6. Week L Malicious software (malware), Computer viruses, Computer worms, Trojan horses, Logic bombs, Spyware, Advertising Programs (Adware), INTERNET, History of the Internet, TCP / IP protocol E 7. Week L First test E 8. Week L Internet, Computer network and classification networks, Internet protocols: HTTP, HTTPS and FTP, Web browsers, Copyright Law E 9. Week L MS Office, MS Word, How to start the MS Word, Layout MS Word window, The status bar, Tabs and tools, Copy and paste data, Special characters, Styles, Tabs, Sections, Creating a new document, Copy text, Headers and footers, Page numbers E MS Word: How to insert and edit the text and its formatting. Paragraph formatting. Lists of lists. Working with documents. formatting documents 10. Week L How to insert and edit the formulas and equations, Application of the finished style characteristics, Input tables and formatting, input images in the document, the entry of bibliographic data entry page breaks and section breaks (define different sections of the document), display the contents of the document E MS Word: Insert pictures, tables and SmartArt elements in the document. Formatting headers and footers document. Entering references and footnotes in the document. Insert the page break, Section break, Application of different style for document 11. Week L MS Excel, How to start MS Excel, Layout MS Excel windows, Toolbar for quick access, Status bar, Tabs and tools, Tabs formulas, Editing data within a worksheet, Graphic data presentation, Input data string in the table, Add the trend data, Sorting data set E MS Excel: Working with the tables. Entering data into tables and data formatting. Entering a series of data. Entering data from different files. Displaying data graphically. 12. Week L Conditional Formatting Data, Creating and deleting equations, Addresses cells (relative, absolute, mixed), Types of functions, Logical operators, Boolean functions, Examples of application functions (IF, AND, OR, COUNTIF ..), MS PowerPoint, MS PowerPoint Startup, The appearance of windows, tabs and tools, Creating presentations, add themes, Themes Edit, Insert object (images, tables, links, media content ...) E MS Excel: Data processing, Calculating with tables, Input and syntax for creating mathematical equations. Showing the trend curve. 13. Week L MS Outlook, MS Outlook Startup, The appearance of windows, tabs and tools, Creating a user account , Creating a new e-mail E MS Power Point: Creating presentations. Choosing the design, How to make redesign of an existing template. 14. Week L Databases, What databases they are?, Fields in databases, How databases are developed?, Center for online databases, Bibliographic databases, Citation databases, Databases with full-text, Sciencedirect databases, Scopus databases, Web database, Bibliography E 15. Week L Second Test E |