Advanced water treatment engineering |
Code |
Course teacher |
Prof Nediljka Vukojević Medvidović |
Credits (ECTS) |
7.0 |
Associate teachers |
Type of instruction (number of hours) |
Status of the course |
Mandatory |
Percentage of application of e-learning |
0 % |
Course objectives |
Knowledge of advanced water treatment processes for high standards of effluent quality and natural purification processes in rural areas. |
Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course |
Passed a subject dealt with classical processes of water treatment (Wastewater treatment and / or Industry and Environment) |
Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes) |
It is expected that the outcome of learning to provide knowledge about: - the necessity of the development and application of advanced water treatment processes, with special emphasis on the protection of vulnerable karst aquifer - types of process, application and advantages of the application of advanced process compared to conventional treatment processes - analysis of the ecological footprint water treatment facilities - advanced oxidation technologies in water treatment - chemical reactions and reaction mechanisms of hydroxyl radicals - mechanism, kinetics and the performance of the adsorption and ion exchange in water treatment - biological processes of removing nitrogen and phosphorus, technological performances, removal efficiency - the application of MBR technology in water treatment and comparison of membrane bioreactor technology with other technologies for biological treatment of wastewater |
Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus) |
1st week: Introduction lecture: Preserving the quality of natural water. Recycling and reuse of water. 2nd week: Advanced processes of water treatment. Overview of processing methods. Analysis of the ecological footprint of water treatment facilities. Seminar. 3rd week: Advanced Oxidation Processes. Theoretical basis. The formation of hydroxyl radicals and their role. 4th week: Reaction mechanisms and kinetics of production of reactive hydroxyl radicals in systems: H2O2 / UV, Fe3+ / UV, Fe3+ / H2O2 / UV, Fe2+ / H2O2, Fe3+ / H2O2. 5th week: The factors influencing on the process of oxidation. Practical application of advanced oxidation processes. The possibilities and limitations. Seminar. 6th week: The use of adsorption to remove residual organic compounds. The factors influencing on the adsorption. Batch and column performance. Advantages and disadvantages. 7th week: Mathematical models of the adsorption column. Models based on mass transfer. Seminar. 8th week: The biological nitrogen removal processes. Nitrification and denitrification. Technological process implementation. Seminar. 9th week: Biological phosphorus removal processes. Technological performance. The efficiency of phosphorus removal. Seminar. 10th week: Combined biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. Designing process. Seminar. 11th week: Removal of dissolved inorganic substances by ion exchange. The mechanism and kinetics of the process. 12th week: Designing of cation and anion exchanger. Seminar. 13th week: The advanced membrane processes for water treatment. Methods review. Influential factors. Membrane bioreactor-MBR technology. Performance. Efficiency. Seminar. 14th week: The natural processes of water treatment. Mechanism. Performance. Advantages and disadvantages compared to conventional water treatment processes. Seminar. 15th week: An integrated approach to solving the problem of water treatment. Case study. Seminar. Exercises: The efficiency of removal of organic matter by using Fe2+ / H2O2 process. Removal of colorants by adsorption on activated carbon. Determination of the operating capacity of activated carbon. Removal of dissolved inorganic ion by ion exchange in the column. Calculation of characteristic parameters of the breakthrough curve. Analysis of biodegradation of waste water. The kinetics of biological degradation of organic substances with high content of nitrogen. The efficiency of plant equipment. |
Format of instruction: |
Student responsibilities |
Attending lectures is 80%, while seminars, laboratory exercises 100% of the total hours. |
Screening student work (name the proportion of ECTS credits for eachactivity so that the total number of ECTS credits is equal to the ECTS value of the course): |
Class attendance |
1.5 |
Research |
0.0 |
Practical training |
0.0 |
Experimental work |
1.5 |
Report |
0.5 |